Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Discussion Board Six

Discussion Board Six

Q 1. Describe how you have met course learning outcomes (CLOs): Choose three of the following six course learning outcomes (CLOs); you should choose three that you feel like you have achieved. For each of your three chosen CLOs, indicate the following: • (a) which of your essays from this semester demonstrate your attainment of the CLO and • (b) how the essays (listed in (a)) show your attainment of the noted CLO. CLO 1. Effectively compose written ideas in standard, grammatically-correct, formal English, with no lapses in usage, mechanics, and spelling; CLO 2. Interpret assigned readings and other sources; CLO 3. Employ a variety of strategies by which to invent, develop, and modify writing and writing topics; CLO 4. Construct thesis-driven essays that adhere to a specific purpose, context, and audience; CLO 5. Illustrate proper use of MLA format; and CLO 6. Quote and analyze sources in writing. 2. Describe when you received and how you implemented useful advice this semester. For instance, perhaps you received useful advice during a Peer Review assignment, during one of our student-instructor conferences, or from our assigned readings, which you then used to improve your subsequent essays. Please specify and explain. 3. Rank your essay assignments for the semester. Finally, please list our essay assignments in order of preference (with (1) being your favorite and (3) being your least favorite), and explain your rankings. Instructions for posting: Be sure to create a new thread when you post your original response with your name in it. If you choose to reply to other posts, please post on their original thread. (NOTE: A "thread" is a new "post." To post on the same "thread," click "reply" on another student's post.) When writing your post, use complete sentences and label each part (1, 2, and 3) to give clarity and structure to your work. You will be graded on the writing itself, as well as on answering all required areas of the post. Due Dates: There is only one required post for this activity: 1. Your initial post. Due Monday, March 7, by 11:59 p.m. CST. NOTE: The Discussion Board closes at 11:59 p.m. CST on Monday, March 7, so you cannot make late submissions.

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Tropical DB 6: 1. I had an amazing knowledgeable experience in this course. Perfection takes time; thus I will say that I did learn and meet all the course learning outcomes, but yes it takes time to master it. It was mainly the professor’s valuable guidance and feedback that helped me improve and meet all the CLO’s. I am able to compose proper thesis driven genre essays now and even compose written ideas in standard, grammatically-correct, formal English, with no lapses in usage, mechanics, and spelling.